Children & Youth Ministries

At Bally Mennonite Church, children and youth ministries seek to see children and youth grow in likeness to and relationship with Christ, maturing in their personhood and becoming equipped to serve as a part of the body of Christ.

We welcome you to visit our programs. Parents and friends of children are always welcome. You are also welcome to review our Child Protection Policy. Please call or e-mail the Church Office for more information as to dates and times.

Children's Sunday School

Sunday School is offered for all ages. It provides a time for children to interact in age-level groups and learn about the love of Jesus, how to grow in a deeper relationship with God, and how to apply the teachings of Jesus to our lives. We use the curriculum called "Shine: Living in God’s Light".

Youth Group

Mennonite Youth Sneakered Seekers (MYSS) is a group of young people grades 6-12 that meets at Bally Mennonite Church twice a month 6-8 on Sunday evenings. We come to have fun, fellowship, and grow in our faith. We also enjoy service/mission projects together as well as outings.


During our Sunday morning worship service (10:30 a.m.), childcare is provided for newborns through age 3. A crib room is adjacent to the nursery for privacy for nursing mothers or those wishing for their child to have a morning nap. Changing facilities are located in the Infant Nursery and the toddler bathroom in this wing of the church. Please ask an usher for the location for the nursery.

Vacation Bible School

For a week each summer (during the month of July) Vacation Bible School is offered for ages 4 through grade 5. We spend each morning, 9 – 11:30 a.m., having a good time as we worship together, make crafts, play games, enjoy snacks, and explore the love of Jesus.